Saturday, October 28, 2006

Message from Janice...

Got the following from Janice directly this morning (I had trouble posting it at first)...

I've got my CNN. I have arrived in Kathmandu. Actually, we arrived yesterday with ABD (Altitude Brain Damage). ABD is what Paige and I have been calling our complete loss of short and long term memory. Quite by accident on the way down the hill (12,300 feet down to 8,700 and back up again to 9,000 ft) we met someone who told us that NASA was currently studying high altitude brain damage. If we could remember how to find them we wold have had a good talk. Once we arrived in our Radisson hotel room I was listening to the news and the discussion was about the Philippines - I could NOT remember where that country was to save my soul. Still a little shaky on the topic.

But might I say that we took three days to travel down to Lukla and our pre-assigned schedule called for us to make the TREK in one day. Nope. When we left the Zamling Lodge the entire family came out to say good-bye as we captured it all on video. Tsedam Sherpa, owner and a very honorable man, gave us white blessing scarves to wear on our journey. We did not pay our bill for an eight day stay as our money was in Kathmandu. The payment will be run back up the hill to him as soon as our main Mountain Madness guide returns to Lukla. The honorable Mr. Tsedam Sherpa gave our personal guide, Lhukpa, 5,000 rp to insure our safe journey. Again, I ask if you have not yet sent him an email thanking him for our care and great protection, I beg you to do so. There is a link already set up to do it easily.

Then off we went, Paige, Janice, Pumpkin (Lhakpa) and two porters named Dali Lama and Kissin' Cousin. We were heading down the mountain leaving the Namche Bazaar covered with beautiful white snow and clear blue skies.

Tomorrow I will give you the full account of the three day adventure and the most amazing people that we met along the way. With the three days I was able to ascend with Lhukla holding out his arm to me the entire way while he was carrying my backpack and his own. When you hear the stories will fall into great appreciation of this strong young 26 year old man.




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